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Own Your Brilliance




  1. intense brightness of light.

  2. vividness of color.​

  3. exceptional talent or intelligence.


Our Mission

To provide a safe space for girls and women of color to experience mathematics through problem posing and solving, rather than rote learning. We empower them to bring their whole selves to a math space where girls  can utilize personal, local, national, or global community contexts to incorporate learning and leadership.

Our Vision

We will build a network of girls and women of color who empower one another to own their brilliance in all spaces. Relationships between girls and women across generations will be nurtured through mathematics. They will know their perspectives and expertise will contribute to the healing the world.


Our Tenets

We are in tune with how we view ourselves in the world.
We author our own narratives.
We do math in informal and formal spaces.
We are a sister circle, a community of support.
We value our human connection.


What We Do

Own Your Brilliance provides a variety of math experiences for all ages, in community spaces such as local schools, churches, shops or community centers. Mathematicians will have a hands-on experience with real world math tasks rooted in culture and liberation. Participants will engage in problem posing and solving, where creative thinking is encouraged and nurtured.

News & Info

A look back at Mathematician's Workshop in Summer 2019

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Own Your Brilliance was a presenter at the She is Me HairFest!

Black Women in STEM and Leadership in Essence Magazine

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"We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering, and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics."

Katherine Johnson

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